will you marry me电影台词的相关图片

will you marry me电影台词

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will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?


How would I say mine eyes be blessed made.My looking on thee in the living day.Of all days are nights to see...


Rose: What do you mean, "No, I won't"? Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do, you don't know me!Jack: Well, you woulda done it already.Ro...


小时代4周崇光经典台词:ow would ,I say,mine eyes be blessed made,By looking on thee in the living day,All da...


Forrest Gump: Will you marry me? [Jenny turns and looks at him] Forrest Gump: I'd make a good husband, Jenny. Jenny Curran: You would, Forrest. Forrest ...

电影里的求婚台词 老电影经典求婚台词对白

Will you marry me? I'd make a good husband, Jenny. I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.你能嫁给我吗?我会做个好丈夫的,珍妮。我不是很聪明,但我...

will you marry me阿甘正传

You done watching it口语化的用法,省掉了are.be done doing sth做完某事 你会嫁给我吗?我会成为一个很好的丈夫.i'd=i would,make在这是成为的意思


19) Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?20) Are you mocking me?你是在嘲笑我吗?简爱电影台词英汉对照【热门版】1) Do you doubt me?你是在怀疑我吗?2) Entirely!...

Will You Marry Me的歌词是什么?

Will You Marry Me的歌词是:在第一次有你陪我唱出我的生命我就决定邀你作我一辈子的欢喜除了我一点点不安定的心要等你的爱惜然后就放心把自己交给你一生相许虽然...

求lyn的Will You Marry Me的中文歌词~

Will you stay with me For always and forever On bended knee, would you take this ring Will you marry me, please Will you marry me To be with you is what...

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